7.Conclusion and Future Prospects

7.1 Consideration of the Results

We succeeded in realizing the first female HPF in Japan.
This depends on the success of designing and manufacturing of tough, safe and easily handled aircraft, which can be used in sever training of pilot, in a short time by a small number of members. It relies faithfully on the basic procedures and analysis developed in thirty years history of HPF and on the carefull selection of the most suitable materials including conventional and new ones.
It was proved that it is very important and helpful to introduce the many new technologies for the training of physical fitness and maneuvering ability in order to conduct the project efficiently in a short period.
It can be said that our activities showed the HPF is not so special matter but one of very familiar sports for everyone. The success gave the refreshing impulse and passion for many people who love the HPF and JIBR.
One of the biggest support for a pilot was from physiological. She gradually gained confidence and finally became to believe and make the image "I can fly without fail" while she was exercising under the effective training schedule backed up by strict theories. It is well known that the ideal pilot of HPF is powerful over his weight and superior in endurance. Therefore it was important she could control her weight.
It is learned from our activities that as the effect of the training is a physical phenomenon, it is that physical strength is improved when she is sleeping. Therefore the trainee should have enough time to sleep as well as to train. Pedaling action, especially in the necessary to spend a long time to be aware of the action.
We learned that the most important thing for success is the control the balance between design, manufacturing, training and flight throught the whole activity of amateur team like us.
Finally we would like to say that if we had more time and broad space, we were able to make over 1000m flight distance.
There has been a big difference between male's and female's records for marathon race. But recently the difference gradually became small by improvement of the training method and increase of female runners. We hope that the number of female pilot will approach to the one of male as the marathon race.
The aircraft is planned to be exhibit in new "Kakamigahara Aerospace Museum" in Gifu prefecture, where the first female succeeded in taking off by her own power, which is now under construction and expect to be open in March 1996.

7.2 New Challenge

We started new challenge to realize a next dream, The Kremer International Seaplane Competition.
As it is very difficult for an amateur group to have a wide space to enjoy a HPF freely in Japan except on the water, it will be very joyful if it were possible to take off from and land on the water safely.
The biggest technical problem to be solved is how to take off from the surface of water. We are planning Human
-powered boat (HPB) for the development of several techniques for them. The use of hydrofoils makes it more possible to separate from water than that of float. The speed of the main wing to separate from surface of water is about twice as high speed as that of the hull. The idea is as follows. The aircraft has three kinds of devices, hull, double hydrofoils and main wing. Initially total weight is supported by the displacement hull. At greater speeds, total weight is supported by double hydrofoils and wing. After slightly accelerated, the hull leave the water and the weight is supported mainly by the hydrofoils. Acceleration to the increase of speed, the upper hydrofoil leaves and weight is mainly supported by the lower hydrofoil and main wing. Finally when speed reached to the take-off speed, the aircraft completely leave the water.

Fig 16.
Displacement type HPB "Rikimaru"
Maximum speed : 10 knots,
Designed by I,Yokoyama and
T, yoshikawa.

Introduction those mechanism we can always minimize the from water by reducing the wing area in water.
We are trial manufacture the human-powered boat (HPB) with double hydrofoils.

Fig 17. The test of double hydrofoils

It is hopeful if we can get a good condition of weather and geographical features, stable head wing and rapid fair water current
That is the next dream.


This project was supported by numerous individuals. Charity fund from the people who loves the activities backed up the smooth progress of the project. The biggest one was the spiritual supports by families and friends of the members.


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